How to find the best international health insurance for you

How to find the best international health insurance for you You must have international health insurance in place before you travel abroad, whether you are going on a trip around the world, on a Work …

How to find the best international health insurance for you

You must have international health insurance in place before you travel abroad, whether you are going on a trip around the world, on a Work Holiday Program, or on an extended expatriation assignment. It can be hard to choose the right healthcare plan from the many options available. These are some tips to help you choose the right international healthcare insurance for your needs, location and type.

Get a clear picture of your project and what your needs are

You must first clearly define your travel plans in order to choose the best international health coverage.

Are you planning to expatriate with your family? Are you planning to travel around the globe for several months? Which countries are you planning to visit if so?

Also, be clear about your family’s healthcare needs. Do you have any medical conditions that need special treatment? Are you a wearer of glasses or contacts? Are your children going to need orthodontic treatment?

You will be able more easily to compare the different plans available and choose the best healthcare solution.

Review your reimbursement conditions

Ask your insurance company what they will do in the case of a medical emergency abroad and what their reimbursement policies are. You should inquire about the applicable waiting periods, reimbursement limits and supporting documents.

You want insurance plans that provide quick reimbursement turnarounds of less than a day. You should be able submit your claim online and have access to remote consultations.

MSH International allows you to submit claims on the dedicated mobile app. Simply take a picture of your medical bills and any supporting documents. It is also important that you can contact your insurer from overseas during extended hours. This is important if you need advice or assistance in the case of a medical problem in your destination country. Quality healthcare insurance should include precertification for hospitalization.

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Select the right healthcare coverage for you

Different criteria are important in choosing the right healthcare plan. Private healthcare insurance could provide coverage starting at the first Euro. This international insurance plan covers healthcare expenses up to the first Euro or dollar incurred. You do not need to register with the Caisse de Francais d’Etranger, the French Social Security System, or the basic social insurance system in your host country. (Some countries may require registration, but you can find out more about it before you go).

You can, however, opt for insurance supplemental to the CFE (Caisse des Francais de l’Etranger) if you are/have been covered under the French healthcare system (Securite Sociale).

This healthcare option is only available to non-resident afiliated people. It maintains a relationship with the French Social Security System for both healthcare and pension contributions. The CFE handles reimbursements based on reimbursements from French Social Security. A private complement insurance plan is often recommended to maximize your healthcare coverage. This will depend on the cost of healthcare in your destination country. Check the list of countries covered by your international healthcare insurance plan before you make a decision. When you plan an expatriation trip, be sure to check the list of countries that are covered.

Be sure to check the exclusions

It is important to learn more about the benefits offered by the plan. However, it is also important to review exclusions regarding certain activities or events, such as extreme sports.

Consider your options carefully

Many healthcare solutions are customizable. You can modify your plan to include additional options such as

  • A repatriation insurance,
  • Vision and dental care benefits.
  • Coverage for maternity insurance
  • Insurance for personal third-party liability.
  • In the event that you are sick, compensation will be provided.
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MSH International can provide you with an international healthcare plan that suits your needs. ), as well as your professional and personal situation (departure with family or alone, posted worker statuses, self-employed professionals, seniors, etc. ).

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