The Best Online CAD Courses for 2021

In its nearly 50-years-of development, CAD has reached the point where industry-wide standardization is possible. This amount of time is enough to make any invention industrially viable into a discipline. But CAD was an industry-wide discipline …

In its nearly 50-years-of development, CAD has reached the point where industry-wide standardization is possible. This amount of time is enough to make any invention industrially viable into a discipline. But CAD was an industry-wide discipline right from its inception. It is therefore not surprising that there are courses, diplomas and degrees that focus on both the industrial aspects of the discipline as well as common software packages. If you are interested in a CAD-related online education, we have a selection of courses that will suit your needs.

Get CAD Courses for Free


ADTutor has grown since 1995 when it began as a revit handout for AutoCAD R12 students. Everything on the website is now free, with additional video tutorials. The entire material can be downloaded and shared, and there are many topics covered in one article listing. All of the material is chronological/hierarchical meaning if you start with the first tutorial and go through them in order, you won’t need anything else to guide you through the whole training session.


MyCADSite is similar to CADTutor and has been around since 1999. It also offers free content and all of the helping material/notes/resources are coupled with examples and explanation videos. All the content is free, from setting up AutoCAD, to rendering and mastering post-production digital effects. It also includes quizzes and downloads that will help the reader in any way.

Paid Courses in CAD


Autodesk is a well-known company that has been around for a while. It is the grand-daddy of CAD development. There are many products available, so the content of the training is varied. Before you commit to a full-time career, it is important to understand what CAD means and which parts of it you would like to experience. Autodesk offers the industry-wide unanimity of all key-players through sponsorship, product/service-based deals, educational alliances, and many other benefits. This means that you get more bang for your buck than with the free listings.

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Carnegie Mellon University

The online CADing programs at the CMU do not give you any extra credit. Instead, you can work at your own pace with a few resources that focus on specific aspects of CADing. The first is 2D. Then, comes 3D. The university also offers 3D Studio Max courses. CMU, which focuses on Autodesk products, provides unparalleled insight into CAD developments and ongoing research, as well as the best practices in CADing.

The institutes knowledge base does not readily segment the disciplines that require CAD, for example architecture, or simulation-based-analysis hence does not offer individual course content or help for such practices or extensions. Instead, the content is focused on the key issues, fundamental concepts, and areas of interest regarding the changing nature of CAD.